
The Illusive More…

Are you on a constant quest for more?

The desire for more even spills into who we are!

What if we made decisions that truly brought more joy into our lives?…

I'm not Lucky... and Neither are YOU!!!

Careers are developed through hard work, perseverance, dedication, and good decisions.

Not Luck.

Here’s why it’s never a good idea to frame your career success as “lucky”, and what to say instead…

Women Think Too Much! Think I'm Wrong?

Women think too much.

WAY too much!

 Ruminating is absolutely exhausting, and completely avoidable.

 Stop doing these 5 things to break free of overthinking…

Is Fear of Criticism Holding YOU Back?

Criticism Stings.

At some point in your life, it’s highly likely that the fear of someone being critical has stopped you.

And here’s the crazy part…

The 3-Step Process to Stop Over Explaining!

Do you find yourself explaining every twist and turn of how you decided on a specific course of action?

When you eliminate over explaining, your self-confidence will increase and others will have more confidence in your ideas and suggestions!

Learn the 3-Step process to stop over explaining in this blog…

Back to the Present!!! Gratitude is the Answer...

I want to be present more often.

Strike that.

I NEED to be present more often.

Why? Because the cost of not being present is high.

Too high to ignore…

Is Your Inner Critic Designing Your Future?

We’ve all got one! That critical voice inside our head that runs a constant commentary about everything we do, say, or dare to dream.

Quieting that less than helpful voice will create a path for you to do more brave things, dream bigger, and experience more joy in your life.

Don’t let your inner critic create your future!

Want to Change Your Boss? Here's what to do...

One of the most common questions I hear during mentoring sessions is some version of “How can I change the way my boss…

  • Talks to me”

  • Listens to my ideas”

  • Gives me feedback”

And the list goes on…

Interrupting the Interrupter. Yes, There is a Better Way!!

Ugh!!! There you are… explaining your AWESOME idea, and that’s when it happens. 

It’s no fun being interrupted. So what’s a person to do?

The Power of AND!

And, when we replace the words “but” or “however” with “and”… something magical happens. People become less defensive, resistant, and frustrated.