
I'm not Lucky... and Neither are YOU!!!

Careers are developed through hard work, perseverance, dedication, and good decisions.

Not Luck.

Here’s why it’s never a good idea to frame your career success as “lucky”, and what to say instead…

Is Your Brand Helping or Hurting Your Rise?

Your Brand is what you are known for, and how people expect you to show up.

We all have a brand. Even people who say, “I’m not interested in building a personal brand” are doing just that!

This blog post includes access to a free guide that will help you define your brand, and develop an action plan to deliberately create the brand of your choice!

Want to Improve Your Professional Brand? Start with Your Wardrobe!

Our professional brand is created with everything we do, say, and wear.

What we wear matters.

A lot.

Stay away from these brand damaging choices…

Want to Change Your Boss? Here's what to do...

One of the most common questions I hear during mentoring sessions is some version of “How can I change the way my boss…

  • Talks to me”

  • Listens to my ideas”

  • Gives me feedback”

And the list goes on…

Interrupting the Interrupter. Yes, There is a Better Way!!

Ugh!!! There you are… explaining your AWESOME idea, and that’s when it happens. 

It’s no fun being interrupted. So what’s a person to do?