
Is YOUR Job Safe?

Your job is not safe.

I’ve coached many people who use “safety is important to me” as a reason not to look for a new job, find more fulfilling work, or start a business. They confuse familiar with safe.  

Consider this analogy: In your relationship with your company, you are the mistress. You are never the wife…

Is Fear of Criticism Holding YOU Back?

Criticism Stings.

At some point in your life, it’s highly likely that the fear of someone being critical has stopped you.

And here’s the crazy part…

The 3-Step Process to Stop Over Explaining!

Do you find yourself explaining every twist and turn of how you decided on a specific course of action?

When you eliminate over explaining, your self-confidence will increase and others will have more confidence in your ideas and suggestions!

Learn the 3-Step process to stop over explaining in this blog…

Can't Find Your Passion? You're not alone!!

You can find “passion” in book titles, chapter headings, or sprinkled throughout the content of just about every recent business book out there. 

How to find it…

How to harness it…

How to use it to make money…

Why you should (or shouldn’t) follow it…

And the list goes on.

But what if you don’t have a specific life passion?