
Avoiding the "Weekend Freak Out"!!!

The “Weekend Freak Out”…

That panicky feeling when we realize that we only have 48 hours to knock out everything on our “to do” list.

The result?

No rest. No fun. Constantly rushing from one activity to the next.

There’s a better way…

The Magic of Meditation...

There’s a part of me that can’t believe I’m writing this blog.

A year ago, I thought meditation was interesting. For other people.

If you’re sitting on the “that’s interesting” side of the fence when it comes to meditation, read on…

Is Your Cell Phone Damaging Your Career?

In this rushed and hyper-connected world we live in, one of the biggest compliments you can give someone is to engage in the moment.

The impulse to check things off of the “to do” list, answer an email, respond to a question quickly, or yes… check Facebook often moves us away from connection.

Here’s what to do instead…