
Avoiding the "Weekend Freak Out"!!!

The “Weekend Freak Out”…

That panicky feeling when we realize that we only have 48 hours to knock out everything on our “to do” list.

The result?

No rest. No fun. Constantly rushing from one activity to the next.

There’s a better way…

Less, Please!!!

We are always trying to pack more into our days. This is true of our careers, parenting, financial needs, and every other area of our lives.

What if I told you that the secret to obtaining everything you truly and deeply desire in life is to focus on less?

It’s counter-intuitive, and it works…

Not enough time? There's no such thing...

The reality is that there is ALWAYS enough time. The real trick is in deciding what will to stop doing so that we can make room for our heats desire. 

Every time we say yes to something… we are saying no to something else.