
What Comes After "What If....?"

Anticipation can be exhilarating… or excruciating!

The way we finish “What if…?” changes how we feel, the actions we take, and the trajectory of our future 

Sounds pretty dramatic, doesn’t it?

Well, it should! Because changing YOUR “What If…” will change your life!!

Your Library on Wheels!!

Do you want to read more? How about 100 books in a year?!?!?

Are you thinking there’s no way I could do that!!!

Yes you can! How? YOU have a Library on Wheels…

Vacation is… A Leadership Lesson?

Ahhhhh… vacation… 

Time to Rest, Relax, and Rejuvenate.

And Build Trust… What? Wait… Really?

Yes. Especially when you are a leader…

Are You My Mentor?

When it comes to building your support team, there is only one thing more awkward than asking someone to be your mentor.

And that is being on the receiving end of, “Will you be my mentor?”

“But wait!” you’re probably thinking… “I thought I was supposed to find mentors to help me with my career growth!”

Absolutely! And there’s a much better way to do it…