Is there anything going on in your life that has you a bit on edge? 😬
As an entrepreneur… my “What if” story has a way of becoming so outrageous that it takes my breath away!!!
What if we…
Purchase 150 journals and none of the sell?
Create a membership offering and no one signs up?
Launch the Change Leadership Workshop and the class doesn’t fill up?
I could go on… and on… and on…
And my Inner Critic would love it if I did!!!
I’ll suspect you have your own “What if” stories that you’re thinking about as you read this blog.
And I’m going to go out on a limb here… I’ll bet they don’t have a “Happily Ever After” ending.
Getting stuck in a negative “What if” story keeps us stuck.
Stops us from taking action.
Puts a filter on everything in our lives and prevents us from experiencing joy, feeling grateful, and seeing amazing opportunities!!!
Having the right mindset changes everything because:
😊 Looking at life’s challenges as exciting opportunities completely changes how you feel!
🤔 Changing how you feel will change how you think.
👊 Changing how you think causes you to do different things.
🎩 And here is where the magic happens… When you take different actions… You get different results!
Sooooo… What if you reframed your "Scary Situation" into an "Exciting Opportunity"? 🤔